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Exiled cattos

This is where all my exiled cats are located fpr the time being till they can find their own homes


Silverdust is a grey tabby and she has pretty blue eyes. Her sister was Swiftskip, (who died in battle), She is currently about 29 moons old now has a apprentice by the name of Iciclepaw. She is hoping that she can train this apprentice really well and make sure that she knows everything that silverdust knows once she becomes a warrrior.

Silverdust doesn’t remember one thing about her parents but has been in thunderclan since she was born. She looked up to Buckstar and hoped to one day follow him as leader but got exiled. (after he was gone). She also had a crush on him and got turned down. She has a hard time with rejection. Since then, she has given up on trying to find her mate because it upset her deeply to where she does not desire to look for one anymore. She has made friends with Peachblossom and with Dustsong (who was swiftys mate). She has a brother named Leafshred and Mud both of them look nothing like her however. She did not know that they were siblings till right before her parents vanished or sometime after. She was really sad about the loss of them.
She has the knack for being adventurous. Which is okay but sometimes it would get her into trouble when she was Silverpaw many moons ago.. She would love to have a bestie that would crush over her explore someday. That is her hope. But the one she wanted she seemed to have been crushed by and cannot speak to him without feeling hurt so she keeps her distance. It will be okay, twas her first heartbreak, she will heal in time. Someone will have to warm her to the idea this time however.

She is a very kind and caring molly, very much would give her life for any cat that deserves to live Thunderclan or not. She would be like some of the other cats she has heard threw stories. But the main thing is that she will be herself. She can't wait to show the clans what she would be made of and what she could handle. She would not let anybody push her around she would stand her ground and her “rawr” would be so loud that the Dark Forest would run in fear hearing it and the Star clan cats would be in awe. She is ready to be all that she can be.


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