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Fish babes



Snowstripe currently is 32 moons old  she is eager to make new friends too as there are more apprentices. As well as over her loss from when she was a paw currently currently single as a pringle not sure bout mingling cause everytime she tells a cat how she feels they disappear. She is starting to think that she is cursed by star clan and that they dont care about her that well.



Brown black tiger tabby named FeatherSpirit  because of her light pawsteps she was not first heard when found. thus the name featherkit when she was first found.   She is ready to show the other clans  who is the better cat out of them all them. But has now forgiven some of them  and is a kind caring cat tried to get the clan to forgive Kestrelstar when he was alive.

Since Kestrelstar has been gone she has no family like memebers in the clan at all. She missed alot of things when she was out for the little bit she was out but now she is keeping ontop things in the clan.  She wishes very much to help her clan and make sure that every one of her clanmates live and that they dont die. Featherspirit is taking it hard on herself so many cats gone that she knew.  This molly is now 28 moons old and she cant wait to show the clan what is made of some day.

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